You Only Have 1 Prostate - We Only Carry 1 Herb

Crila for Prostate Review - Man from Philly Loves Crila: CrilaforProstate.Com

by Sue McKinney August 24, 2020 2 min read

Crila for Prostate Review - Man from Philly Loves Crila: CrilaforProstate.Com

Neil from Philadelphia initially wrote to us last November. Customers' emails are often the highlight of my day and I try to read as many of them as I can. Neil wanted to find a high-quality supplement to promote prostate health. He was looking for information about the research behind Crila® for Prostate Health before deciding to add this prostate herb to his personal wellness regime. He recently sent me his Crila® update and agreed for me to share the results with you:

  • After 1 month  – Considerable improvement.
  • After 8 months – No issues during the day, much better at night, usually getting up once, sometimes going 6 hours without needing to use the bathroom. I have not experienced any side effects during this period.

These results are consistent with nearly all of the men we hear from. Most men notice the initial benefits very quickly, while for others it can take longer, with continued gradual improvement over time, following on from their Load Phase. We are hearing success stories from women too who are enjoying substantial relief from their hot flashes and night sweats, not only a  reduction in frequency but intensity too. From both younger and older women, I get very positive reports of markedly improved uterine health, reports verified by their doctors. 

And for those of you who don’t write? Nevermind! We get the message through your ongoing re-orders. A remarkably high percentage of Crila® users are repeat customers. According to Nutraceuticals World, in just 15 years there will be over 72 million people over the age of 65 in the U.S. alone.

As life expectancy has increased, it’s been matched by the rising cost of healthcare. As you are living longer, you want to support your quality of life to enjoy these years to the fullest. The need for high-quality supplements like Crila® has taken on even greater importance. Count us IN. Including Crila® on a daily basis now, to maintain your quality of life and support optimal wellness in the coming years, is a wise decision. Preventative healthcare is always the best option. 

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