If you agree that maintaining prostate health is a serious priority, then add this maximum strength extract to your ongoing wellness program.*
Dr. Kelberman used to wake up every 2 hours nightly to pee. “Within 3 days of using Crila that all changed… What I now recommend for aging men is Crila.”
Los Angeles, CA
“First, I (took) Crila to my doctor to see if it was OK…. He said, ‘It’s good. Just try it.’ (Now) we sleep throughout the night.”
Mississippi State Senator
“5 months on Crila improved my prostate function. Crila is now part of my daily regime to maintain prostate health.”
Dominic began taking Crila after visiting the plantation outside of Saigon, reviewing the research, meeting the doctor who developed Crila; and checking with his physician. His results with Crila led to investment in Crila Health to help bring Crila to others. Dominic is the Founder of Dominique Saint Paul, a shoe and leather goods brand born in Saigon; the CEO of Halracott Private Limited, an Asia based consultancy and a 25 year veteran JPMorgan banker.
Frank’s doctor recommended Crila. “Crila has cut my urination frequency in half. I’d recommend it to every man that needs it. It’s the only thing that’s ever helped me.”
DDS Orlando, Florida
“One thing I really like about the Crila… it’s not a “Me Too” company. They’ve really done their research homework. And that’s pretty rare these days, frankly.”
Prostate Awareness Foundation
“Within the space of a month I had perfect sleep again. Sleep is so important for one’s daily cognitive function…. It’s made a world of difference to me.“
PhD, Tonbridge, Kent, U.K.
“After only two weeks, I noticed the benefits frequently reported by Crila users. So I’m pleased to be giving my prostate all-natural support without any negative side effects.”
Roy Walkenhorst & Judy Brooks from Healing Quest TV, (broadcast on PBS) traveled to Vietnam to film the Crila story. They met Dr. Tram, developer of Crila; doctors at the Ministry of Health who conducted clinical trials. Back home in California, Roy added Crila to his wellness plan. Follow the new adventures of Healing Quest on iHeart radio.
“My prostate doctor recommended I take (Crila) … And frankly, it helped… If you’re…starting to experience some of those symptoms, it makes a lot of sense.”
Columbus, NC
Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Dr. Furman notes “Crila has been studied for over 30 years.” Dr. Furman and his patients have had a “great response” to Crila. Neil was first to nickname Crila “The Gorilla.”
Miami, Florida
“I’m happy as heck! Now the majority of nights I don’t get up at all… I don’t carry a bottle in the car anymore… Crila is a life changer both professionally & personally.”
San Francisco Bay Area
Dr. Kerberman is joined by real Crila men, and a wife! who share how Crila allows them to reduce nighttime bathroom visits, improving their sleep and quality of life.
Dr. Jason Kelberman
“Crila keeps me in the kitchen and I don’t have to run out to the bathroom every few minutes… I recommend Crila to maintain the health of your prostate going forward.”
Little River Inn, CA
I love this product. It worked for me in the first week of use. I used to feel that I had to urinate but couldn’t. After using Crila all of that changed…. With Crila I can void completely and get much better sleep. It is an awkward topic but is such good news I feel the need to share this with all my male friends. 5 stars for Crila!!!
Note: After trying Crila for Prostate for themselves, reviewing the research and talking to others who had used Crila and visited the plantations and facilities in Vietnam, Ron and Cynthia Sekkel invested to help bring Crila to you.
“Crila makes a great difference in his sleep pattern, and in ours. Getting up less each night. Now he’s not getting up at all.” Avis & David invested to help bring Crila to you.
San Jose, CA
“Almost miraculous for me. Instead of going to the bathroom in the middle of the night 5 – 6 times, I go 1 – 2 (Crila’s) proven itself to be very special…and really work.”
Phoenix, FL
“Within 2 weeks I noticed the change. Crila has helped me wake up more refreshed after having a good nights’ sleep…” Gary learned about Crila from the Prostate Awareness Foundation, who also teach the absolute importance of regular exercise to maintain prostate health. Gary swims the SF Bay daily with Grace – We couldn’t resist showing you Gary’s ingenious tricks to keep them visible & safe from windsurfers! ENJOY THIS ONE!
San Francisco, CA
Mr. Katz is a patient of Dr. Neil Furman – “Eight years ago, I developed going to the bathroom too often, too often, too often.” After Crila, “About a month’s time, I got so comfortable, it’s unbelievable! I never woke up at night anymore…After so many years, I almost gave up…I’m doing excellent. Right now I want to tell you people one thing, after starting to take the Crila, I changed the name to Gorilla…. I’m a Gorilla. I’m 75 years old, but I’m a Gorilla. Thanks God for this product!
Orlando, FL
“Crila – It give me my life back!” Before Crila, Stelios actually had to sleep, night after night, sitting on the toilet! As a popular hairdresser, he found his lady clients falling asleep in his chair, so tired because their husbands weren’t getting good sleep. “When I try ‘Gorilla” it was like release, it was like a new life…Ladies, if you want to rest and sleep and relax on your own bed, with your husband, recommend ‘The Gorilla’ for your men.”
Orlando, FL