You Only Have 1 Prostate - We Only Carry 1 Herb

ExpoWest 2014 – A Harvest of Herbal Wisdom

by Sue McKinney August 23, 2020 2 min read

ExpoWest 2014 – A Harvest of Herbal Wisdom

It wasn’t just a matter of sheer numbers. The atmosphere was dynamic. It felt like the tension and financial worries of the last few years had been set aside, and people were bounding forward.

As the core values of health care are more and more defined as “self care,” people are looking for those products which can promote and maintain their optimum health and wellness.  It’s good to have medical care available, it’s even better when you don’t need it. Demand for natural products, dietary and herbal supplements is expected to expand by over 8%. The expo attracts everyone from retailers to regulators, manufacturers and researchers. This is one of the top venues to exchange views, hear the latest trends, and see what’s new. 

This year, like the past several years, we have not found anything new to compare with the quality of Crila® for an effective menopause herb or supplement to maintain prostate health. It was great to share with friends that research by institution of the calibre of UIC (University of Illinois Chicago) has confirmed what Dr. Tram in Vietnam has said all along – Crila® is Estrogen Free!

Apart from the scientific and educational seminars available, the networking, seeing old friends and meeting new ones, ExpoWest is one vast feast. The first time I attended, in 2008, the charming senior citizen who registered me took me under her wing with lots of good advice, including “Come hungry, dear – they feed you all day long.” Indeed, vendors are proud to have you sample their classic and new products – everything is on offer from grass-fed beef jerky, dried fruits, nuts, cereals, soup, pasta, veggie chips, more and more chips and crackers, juices and smoothies, yoghurt, energy bars and ice cream.

It’s hard to chose a favorite, but there are always a few top picks that stand out: I was glad to see DeeBee’s organic teapops doing so well. If you haven’t tried these, ask your grocer to get them! great for kids and grandkids. And Ayala’s Lavendar-Mint water is always a favorite, I also like their GingerLemonGrass. New for me this year was Mr. Dewie’s cashew milk and almond milk ice creams – WOW, absolutely fantastic! and from my hometown of Oakland, California. Organic, dairy-free, gluten-free, soy-free, and delicious! these guys will go far

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