You Only Have 1 Prostate - We Only Carry 1 Herb

Prostate Health Problems – A Rock and a Hard Place

by Sue McKinney August 24, 2020 1 min read

Prostate Health Problems – A Rock and a Hard Place

Do you sometimes feel you are between a rock and a hard place with prostate problems 50% of men by age 50 begin to experience the symptoms of an aging prostate. Can you check the boxes on this list?
  • You want to maintain a healthy prostate function.
  • You want to promote urinary regularity.
  • You want a good night’s sleep without getting up so much.
  • You want an alternative to Saw Palmetto.
  • You don’t want added estrogen. 
  • You want a natural product that’s both safe and effective. 

David from Sedona wrote to Crila Health this month about his experience. 


I must agree with many of the writers re: Crila Prostate!  With prostate issues for 30 years, I’ve tried everything including the various Saw Palmetto, Beta-Sitosterol combinations and products along with the assisting herbs, minerals and supplements.  Not to say these are worthless, because they arrest the deterioration of the condition for the most part, BUT noticeable IMPROVEMENT is minimal. Lately and incredibly, after taking the Crila Prostate for about 6 months, I am experiencing better sleep for the first time in years and years, and waking up reasonably refreshed after two or sometimes three, or EVEN ONE nightly bathroom excursion! This is a Royal Herb indeed!!!  Thank you all for this welcome relief!!!  REAL SLEEP is AMAZING!!! Thank you so much!!!

David of Sedona.  


After I wrote back to David thanking him for letting us know, he added another comment I loved. “My wife told me today I look much BETTER–sleep does that! You do a wonderful job, and are really helpful to people!”

Thanks for writing handsome David from Sedona.

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