You Only Have 1 Prostate - We Only Carry 1 Herb

Prostate Supplement – Consumer Reports on Saw Palmetto

by Sue McKinney August 23, 2020 3 min read

Prostate Supplement – Consumer Reports on Saw Palmetto

Consumer Reports (January 2015) correctly states that “Constantly rushing to the bathroom is a common complaint among the millions of men who develop” prostate health problems. Actually, it’s about 50% of American men by the age of 50 who begin to experience a decline in prostate health.

CR goes on to say “But what’s in those pills promising to restore healthy prostate function, improve urine flow, and deliver an uninterrupted night’s sleep? They can include the ingredient saw palmetto. Consumers shelled out $145 million in 2013 for saw palmetto products, according to the Nutrition Business Journal. It has been used to treat urologic conditions since the days of the ancient Egyptians. But that long history doesn’t mean it works.” 

CR goes on to cite 5 reasons to skip saw palmetto and go to your doctor instead. I agree with all of their conclusions about why saw palmetto is a poor prostate supplement choice. Read the specifics below. But with the support of your doctor or healthcare practitioner, consider the prostate herb in Crila® we refer to as “Crinum Tram[1] if you are among the growing millions of Americans turning to natural products to maintain wellness and vitality. 

Consumer Reports points out that Saw Palmetto: 

  • Is no better than a placebo –

In clinical trials, “the extract (even at high levels) was no better than a placebo at alleviating symptoms. And a more recent review by the independent Cochrane Collaboration of studies involving a total of 5,666 men came to the same conclusion.” Contrast this to 89% of men taking Crila® who were clinically proven in 60 days to achieve a “good or very good” result with our prostate supplement. Although nothing works for everyone, we find this high level of efficacy borne out by a high rate of customer satisfaction from long-term repeat customers and very few requests for refund. 

  • The dosage may vary.

“Even if you wanted to try taking a regular dose of saw palmetto, there’s currently no guarantee that the supplement you choose contains what it says it does. One study analyzed six different brands of prostate supplement and found that half of them contained less than 20 percent of the amount stated on the label.” Quality is where Crila® really shines. Before we ever brought Crila® to the US, we conducted DNA testing on the raw plants at an American lab recommended by the non-profit American Botanical Council to confirm the Botanical Authenticity of our plants. We made sure this was the correct subspecies of Crinum that was proven in the clinical trials. Since Crila® is the only source of this unique ingredient, there are no other prostate supplements on the market today that contain this proprietary “Crinum Tram.” 

  • Is it safe?

CR takes the position that “supplements, including saw palmetto, are not well regulated by the FDA, and it’s not uncommon for wily manufacturers to distribute tainted products. You may think you’re taking a “natural” herbal remedy, but for all you know, you could be taking prescription, or even experimental, drugs.” As a relative new-comer to the herbal supplement space, I can tell you this is not an unregulated industry. Strict laws are in place, although the FDA’s enforcement of regulations may be challenged by budgetary constraints. As an imported supplement Crila® undergoes FDA clearance for every shipment. We’ve passed numerous hands-on FDA inspections of our product, plus conduct regular independent testing at American labs, as required by law.

The final word? Don’t be mislead by other Crinum products who quote our science, or claim to be made from Vietnamese Crinum, but don’t contain the right prostate herb. You’ve only got 1 prostate. There is only 1 Crila®.

[1] The full botanical identity of the proprietary herb in Crila® is Crinum latifolium L var. crilae Tram & Khanh.

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