You Only Have 1 Prostate - We Only Carry 1 Herb


12th International Conference on the Science of Botanicalson the Science of Botanicals

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Crila on iHeart Radio!!

I wanted to say a huge thank you to my dear friends’ Judy and Roy from Healing Quest, a PBS show. Once again they’ve been spreading the word about Crila and I can’t thank them enough for all their support over the last ten years! Roy and Judy became fans of Crila back in 2012, after Roy had been suffering from frequent urination issues. As many men over 50 can testify, not getting a good night’s sleep impacts your entire life. When you are not getting into a proper REM sleep because you are waking up every few hours to pee, not only makes you tired, grumpy and irritable, it also has serious health implications when prolonged. So as you can imagine, when after only a couple of weeks on Crila, Roy found his prostate issues and sleep were much improved, he and Judy were very impressed. They could not believe that something so natural and simple as taking Crila each morning could have such a profound impact on their lifestyle. No more rushing to the bathroom in restaurants, during meetings or LIVE Podcasts! After that they became vocal supporters of Crila and have supported us ever since. We feel so fortunate to have such wonderful healthy-living gurus championing our cause. Roy and Judy were so pleased with the results they actually came to Vietnam to dedicate an entire episode of Healing Quest to Crila. They delved into the fascinating ‘Kings Herb’ history as well as the 30 years’ of science behind this wonderfully effective herb. They were also fortunate to meet Crila Inventor, Dr Tram, who is beloved in Vietnam for inventing a botanical herb extract that helped put Vietnam on the map! Dr Tram is one of Vietnam’s top 100 women, which is quite an accolade in a country of over 80 million people. You can hear the full segment on the Healing Quest Podcast here.
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