You Only Have 1 Prostate - We Only Carry 1 Herb

Prostate health concerns – Where can you go for answers?

by Sue McKinney August 23, 2020 2 min read

Prostate health concerns – Where can you go for answers?

You’ve been slammed with a month’s worth of media about September’s Prostate Health Month. Now where do you go for reliable, unbiased info about prostate health? Whether you are a man facing declining prostate health, like 50% of American men by the age of 50, or you’re a partner or caregiver to that man, where do you turn for answers?

Why not ask men and women who faced the same worries you face now? They’ve been there. They know exactly how you feel! The stress of the unknown can be huge. Finding a community of people who understand precisely where you are coming from, and can help you focus on getting the specific information you need to make informed decisions, can make a world of difference in dealing with the uncertain world you find yourself in.

recently attended a major conference on prostate health in Los Angeles. Crila Health also exhibited as a sponsor. This conference is held every year in early September. It is the leading event on prostate health to provide relevant information to you. The conference features top medical and scientific professionals from around the world. They focus on what is best for the man as a whole person, not some statistic under a microscope. This was the second year I went, and our first year for Crila Health to be an entry-level sponsor. It was so impressive last year that I wanted to be there and help support the conference this year.

One of the great resources I learned about is the toll-free Helpline. You can call the Helpline at 800-641-7274 or Email The Helpline is unique in the way it interacts with callers seeking help and information. The Helpline volunteer staff tend to be people who were once on your side of the line. They help you understand where to go to cut through the noise and get clear unbiased information. Please note this is all offered free of charge.

Helpline facilitators work with you to compile your specific facts, so they can provide accurate and relevant info for your individual situation. They can help you better communicate with your own doctor and can be a valuable resource to provide medical information but they do not give medical advice. The facilitators are intensely trained and are constantly analyzing research and peer-reviewed medical articles on prostate health to stay on top of the latest developments in prostate research. They draw from a Board of Medical Advisors to obtain ideas and provide you with good information.

According to the organizers, “There is no other prostate … education and research organization performing this function with a Board of Medical Advisors, trained in the specialty, … constantly educating and evaluating its Helpline staff.” The Helpline handles about 50 calls a day. You can also sign up for a newsletter to keep abreast of new developments in prostate health.

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