You Only Have 1 Prostate - We Only Carry 1 Herb

Prostate Health Habits – Today Choose Cabbage!

by Sue McKinney August 22, 2020 2 min read

Prostate Health Habits – Today Choose Cabbage!

Every day, resolve to make at least 1 food choice specifically to support your “Prostate Health Habit.”  Scientists have found that for men concerned about prostate health, healthy eating choices play a critical role in maintaining normal prostate health. 50% of men by the age of 50 experience the symptoms of declining prostate health. To counter this statistic, it is recommended that cruciferous vegetables should rank high in your arsenal for ongoing prostate wellness. You probably already know the most common cruciferous vegetables: cabbage, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, and kale.

Here is today’s tip for cabbage…. One of the most common ways that cabbage finds its way onto your plate is as a coleslaw side dish from a delicatessen or restaurant, or as a scoop of slaw goo from a fast food outlet. Unfortunately, unless the restaurant is conscious of promoting healthy practices in the kitchen, you might be faced with a coleslaw that was mass-produced for the restaurant industry and is swimming in a fatty dressing. Given a chance to read a list of the ingredients, you’d likely find high-fructose corn syrup and a host of chemicals you don’t even want to identify. Is that really what you want to eat? It rather defeats the purpose of inviting healthy cabbage into your day.

Instead, why not make your own? with a tangy, rich and creamy dressing that is easy and guilt-free…

In 5 minutes you can throw together an easy cabbage salad and your own snacks cups that you can feel good about… It’s so easy to shred or coarsely chop cabbage at home yourself, or buy it already shredded. Some of the pre-shredded mixes even have julienned broccoli stems in the mix for added punch and fiber. Stir together a simple dressing with two-thirds Greek yogurt and one-third mayonnaise (OK, you can leave out the mayo completely if you must, but I’m not going to… and be sure to read the mayo label, no high fructose corn syrup!), then add some rice vinegar and a bit of sesame oil. You will have a tangy but rich, creamy dressing. Sprinkle toasted black sesame seeds on top. Choose red cabbage for even more phytonutrients, or mix the red and green cabbages. Refrigerate the extra for handy cup-sized snacks. Reward yourself with the raw cabbage heart for a gnawful treat. Now that’s a positive step forward in feeding your Prostate Health Habit.  

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