You Only Have 1 Prostate - We Only Carry 1 Herb

Satisfied Crila® customer visits Vietnam to meet the team!

by Sue McKinney August 22, 2020 4 min read

Satisfied Crila® customer visits Vietnam to meet the team!

I am 60 years old and consider myself in very good health. I live in the beautiful tropical island paradise, Lifou Island, New Caledonia. I have a loving wife and family, a successful business, eat well, and exercise. God watches over me. If you are reading this, maybe God watches over you, too. A routine physical examination last summer showed a very high PSA, which they said might be a mistake, so in October, we tested my PSA again. It was lower, but stil too high. In addition, I was noticing the symptoms of prostate problems. I had trouble to sleep through the night, having to get up at night to urinate, difficulty to empty my bladder, and a weak stream. I was miserable. 

The PSA test affected me a lot. Although I didn’t feel physically impotent, my psychological worry over Prostate Cancer was so extreme that I had trouble to make love to my wife. The medical facilities in my home country New Caledonia are not advanced. For serious healthcare we travel to Australia. Our government reviews each case and if a case is serious, the government pays for our travel and medical treatment in Australia. It was decided my case was serious and I should make the trip.

The Urologist in Australia said I might have Prostate Cancer. She recommended I have immediate surgery and wanted to schedule an immediate Radical Prostatectomy. Prostate Cancer was my worst fear, but I could not face this extreme result without learning more. I decided to search for an alternative. I was very concerned about the side effects of the surgery, and did not want to lose my identity as a man. I ran away from that doctor!

One of my friends knew Mr. Dominique Mai, the New Caledonia man who moved to Vietnam many years ago, and exports Vietnamese products back to our country. Mr. Mai was introduced to Crila® and Dr. Tram 5 years ago. When Crila® became available for export from Vietnam, he sent some Crila® to my country for people to try. I decided to try it, and in February began to take the Crila® for my prostate.

 Within two weeks, I began to notice some improvement. Plus, I began to feel better. After two months I could really feel the difference. My sleep was back to normal, the strength of my urine stream improved, and I could empty my bladder. I was so relieved that I could once again make love to my wife! I felt normal, healthy and very happy.

After 4 months on Crila®, I wrote to Mr. Mai and asked if it would be possible to go there and meet Dr. Tram. I wanted to learn as much as I could about this miracle, and find out if it was possible to bring Crila® to my country. Mr. Mai wrote back to me that I was welcome to come, and Dr. Tram would find time to meet me. My wife and I immediately planned our trip. The day we arrived, Mr. Mai took me to meet Mme. Sue McKinney, the American lady who has worked with Dr. Tram since 2007. Dr. Tram was busy in Hanoi for meetings with the Ministry of Health for a few days. Mme. McKinney arranged to take me and my wife to the countryside to visit Dr. Tram’s plantation where the Crila® grows. We were joined by another businessman who had just arrived from Hong Kong, also wanting to learn all he could about Crila®.

We learned that the previous week, another man came from Sri Lanka to meet Dr. Tram and visit her plantation and factory. The plantation was very well organized, clean and orderly. We met Dr. Tram’s son-in-law who runs her factory. Everyone made us feel very welcome and answered all my questions. I now understand Dr. Tram and her team are very serious about Crila®, and everyone is working very hard to make this magic available to many people. I understand now why the Crila® is more expensive than other supplements, because the plants must age, and be cared for, for several years before they can make the Crila®. We learned that Crila® is good for women too, and helps them with menopause and uterine health.

Mme. McKinney also told me there can be many reasons for changes in the PSA test, we cannot know for sure yet that it is the Crila® that has lowered my PSA. I understand that PSA is only part of the information me and my doctors will consider to make the decision about my prostate. Mme. McKinney also showed me the books by the American prostate doctors, “Invasion of the Prostate Snatchers” by Dr. Mark Scholz, and “Prostate Cancer” by Dr. Aaron Katz. Mme. McKinney has met both doctors and now some of their patients also take Crila®. Dr. Katz wants to do research on Crila® with men in the U.S., and I will consider if my friends and I can help with the funding of this research. I learned about these American doctors approaches of “Watchful Waiting.” This was the same as my own idea of what I want to do.

When I met Dr. Tram, she was very generous with her time. My wife and I learned about the many people with different conditions that she has successfully helped. The Vietnamese government puts Dr. Tram on television many times to tell people about the difficult cases she has given the happy result.

Dr. Tram spent time answering all my questions and gave me her recommendations for me. I am sure that my health is now in very good hands. She offered to monitor my situation in the coming months. I have returned to my home feeling very well and confident about the future.

I am a lucky man to meet Dr. Tram. Crila® is a natural gift from God, made possible for us by this hard-working Vietnamese scientist who sacrificed many years of her life to find the answers about Crila®.

(Thank you to Mme. Patricia Barnett, Noumea, New Caledonia, for translation from the original French.)

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